If you have multiple accounts that need to be combined, Officevibe can perform a Merge to bring all of the account data into one account. Fill out this request form to get in touch with our Support team and request this operation.
Merging accounts in Officevibe is a sensitive and irreversible operation, so there are some things to keep in mind before proceeding with this request.
1. All members' access levels in all accounts will be merged. This means that anyone who was an Administrator or Executive Manager in the other account(s) will have visibility on all teams (feedback, scores, data) in the Main Account. Please ensure that you want these people to have that visibility.
After the merge, you will want to verify that the appropriate Member Roles and Access Rights are assigned to the correct members. This can be done by going into your Members setting via the Organizational Settings gear icon. You can use the filter on the top by clicking on "Role(s)" to isolate the Administrator and Executive Managers. Learn more about managing your members here.
2. You will need to ensure that active Custom Surveys are archived in the account to be merged. If any are active, the targeted audience will be modified after the merge is complete, which could result in everyone receiving one of the Custom Surveys. To close a Custom Survey, go to Custom Surveys, click the three blue dots on the right side, and select Archive.
3. We will need to associate a subscription with the account you wish to be the Main Account. If you had a subscription associated with the other account(s), we would issue you a prorated refund for those.
4. The Organization's results will be recalculated after the merge. When doing so, only the results of active/inactive employees will be included in the recalculation. The historical data from Employees who have since left the organization historical results will not be included in this, which means that the historical data may be a bit different after the merge.
5. If you have an active Provisioning Integration, you will need to make sure that the email addresses of all members we are merging into the Main Account are present and match the emails in your synced workspace.
With this said, previous 1-on-1 meetings, Goals, and Action Items will not transfer into your final Officevibe account.
Your members may need to clear their cache and refresh their internet cookies after the merge since their computers’ cache will try to access an old account that doesn’t exist anymore.
Once the merge is complete, the Organization Settings of the Main Account will now apply to everyone who merged into it. In other words, everyone will have the same company logo and frequency of surveys. If need be, you can then edit those via the Organization settings section in-app.