Thinking of launching Workleap Officevibe? You may want to validate with your IT team that Officevibe is compatible with your company's systems. Below are some things to verify before launching Officevibe.
Since February 1, 2024, Officevibe's application URL has been changed to
Officevibe emails
As Officevibe primarily uses email to contact employees, you need to ensure that Officevibe emails are recognized as secure and not labeled as spam or blocked.
First, make sure to add the following IP to your email provider:
Officevibe may send emails from the following addresses. Expand below to view which emails to allow.
Also, please confirm whether you have Anti-Phishing software activated for your organization, as this could also affect the access links provided in the Officevibe emails.
Supported browsers and technology
Internet Explorer 10 and older browser versions are not supported as they don't have TLS 1.2 enabled by default.
Note that Officevibe uses cookies, which must be enabled in your internet browser.
These are the browsers we officially support:
Microsoft Edge (Latest)
Chrome (Latest)
Firefox (Latest)
Safari (Latest)
Officevibe is accessible from any device. No login is required, but you can access the platform via
Still having trouble? Try to reset your password here. Remember that your username is your email address.