Manager Settings and Email Notifications

We want you to navigate Workleap Officevibe easily and personalize your experience as a Manager. This should help you track your progress and resolve issues quickly.

Officevibe Settings for Team Managers (video):


Once personalized via Manager Settings, Officevibe will default and send notifications to all Team and Executive Managers.

With these two emails, you can easily access your account and take action.

Feedback Digest Email

This email includes Team Feedback, new suggestions, and Custom Survey answers. 


This email will only be sent if you have not logged in to the platform in 24 hours. You can edit the frequency via your avatar (top-right corner), which will direct you to edit your profile's Personal Settings. 

Engagement Summary Email

All Team Managers will get a weekly Engagement Summary Email on Fridays. This email includes the most recent overall employee engagement score in the organization. 



Administrators can choose to deactivate the notifications by going to Settings > Surveys, then deselecting the option in the Notifications section. However, this will also mean that pulse surveys will not be sent out.

Managers can choose daily, or weekly feedback recaps communications or opt-out of notifications altogether Personal Settings > Profile icon.
