The Feedback section is optimized for every device, from mobile to desktop, and includes all the qualitative Feedback (i.e. comments on follow-up questions) left by employees.
Feedback is anonymous unless the employee reveals their identity when leaving feedback, in which case their name and photo will appear within this specific Feedback.
Click Feedback in the lefthand menu to access the Feedback section.
Feedback Report for Managers (Video):
There are three sections of Feedback available to all Managers:
- Surveys: Includes all Feedback received via the Survey follow-up questions or from Non-Surveys (where proactive Feedback can be left).
- Custom Surveys: Includes all Feedback received via Custom Surveys (can be ones you created or ones created by other Managers, as long as you are a Manager in one of the targeted teams).
- My Feedback: Includes all Feedback you ever left in any Survey or with Non-Surveys). As a manager, this is the only time you can respond anonymously, as all Feedback you respond to for your employees will display your name.
If you manage several Teams, the Feedback sections in the “all” will display all Feedback left across all your different Teams. You can change the Team to tie the Feedback to the team.
Note: Feedback that is less than three years old is not accessible. To access feedback older than three years, you can use the API or reach out to Support with your request.
Responding to feedback
The Feedback interface resembles an inbox. You will see feedback in real-time (the page just needs 1-2 minutes to refresh).
See Team Feedback: How it works for information on how to use the interface.
While replying to Feedback or browsing through the ones you received, you can add custom labels.
These labels will appear the same in all Managers' accounts. After adding a Label to a piece of Feedback, all Managers with access to that Feedback can view the Label assigned to it. Employees with no manager permissions do not see these labels.
Any Administrator can customize these labels via > Officevibe > Features > Feedback.
Non-Survey Feedback
Members also have the option to leave proactive feedback, not prompted by the Officevibe Surveys, through the Non-Survey Feedback. This can be accessed one of two ways:
- In their Feedback Tab, click the Send Feedback button to bring up a general feedback screen.
OR - After a team member has completed their Officevibe survey, they will be prompted with a few options, including the Non-Survey Feedback:
A word (or two) on Anonymity...
To always protect anonymity, please find our different business rules relating to Feedback:
When submitting anonymous feedback:
- If all the teams you are a part of remain below 5, any higher-up Manager will have access to the Feedback and can reply as they have access to All Feedback.
- The feedback will be displayed with "Anonymous Employee," and the picture bubble will be an avatar. The name of the employee and their photo will NOT be displayed.
- The Feedback will only appear once the Platform has 5 active members.
- Paid plan: If you are a member of any team(s), your Feedback will only be visible if the team has 5 or more members
- If the Team/organization falls to below 5, anonymous Feedback left when the team was 5 or above will still be visible so it can be acted on. Any new Feedback that comes through will not be visible when the team falls below 5; however, it will reappear when the team goes back to 5 or above.
- The Feedback remains in the team you belonged to when you left the Feedback.
- If a Manager is added to an existing team, they will have access to all of the historical Feedback of that team.
- Non-anonymous Feedback (employees themselves turned the anonymity off when leaving the feedback) will be visible to Managers of the teams they belong to, despite team size.
When an employee leaves Feedback, they can send it anonymously or non-anonymously. When answering Survey questions, these responses are always aggregated in the team and will always be anonymous - no way to see who is answering what via their Surveys.