Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

The employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a simple way to track loyalty and pride in your organization. It measures the likelihood of an employee recommending your organization as a good workplace and is an essential part of the Engagement Metrics in Workleap Officevibe.

How is eNPS calculated?

The eNPS is measured through the following survey question:

  • On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend your organization as a good place to work?

When you deploy Officevibe, all employees receive that question in their Onboarding Survey. After that, employees receive the question again every 3 months.

Note that the questions will be sent at different times to everyone, as users are sent surveys randomly throughout the week and can select when they receive their surveys. Also, new hires can join your organization throughout the year and complete their first survey anytime.  

Note: Before you can see any data in this section, at least three users must have responded to this question. 

Business Rule: The employee's last response to the eNPS question within 90 days will be considered in the eNPS score. Any responses that fall outside that window will not be considered. The variation in scores from the previous week (7 days) is also displayed. If a user happens to answer this question twice in the 3 months, only their last response will be counted. 

User categories

Users are classed into the following 3 categories depending on how they answered the eNPS survey question:

  • Promoter = 9 or 10
  • Passive = 7 or 8
  • Detractor = 0 to 6

Note: The score is calculated as follows: (# of promoters - # of detractors) / total users who answered the eNPS question (detractors + promoters + passives, alike).

A company’s score can range from -100 to +100. The score displayed will always include the last data point for all users. This means that an employee's last answer to the eNPS question will be considered in the score calculation until said employee answers the question again. 

View your eNPS

Go to Surveys > Pulse Survey, and scroll down until you see Promoters in your organization (eNPS). The real-time score is on the left-hand side of the eNPS graph. The distribution of the eNPS scores is also available to better understand the calculation.

Tip: Hover your cursor over the eNPS distribution graph to see the number of promoters, passives, and detractors.

eNPS history

Click View eNPS history to view how your eNPS score has changed over time. You can also hover over any point on the graphs to see the score at that time. 

Export the eNPS report

Executives can export their eNPS history in CSV format. To do so, select Export on the eNPS history page. Each export package has 2 files:

  • Previous method for eNPS - The number of skips or N/A answers do impact the eNPS score
  • Industry standard eNPS - The number of skips or N/A answers don't impact the eNPS score

Convert past scores to industry standard

Executives can choose to recalculate their previous eNPS scores using the industry-standard method (i.e., skipped or N/A answers are excluded from eNPS calculation).

To do so:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select Officevibe under Product settings.
  3. Select Surveys under Features.
  4. Locate eNPS and activate the Convert past scores to industry standard toggle.

In the Question Results report, the colors represent the following:

  • Dark Red = 0-2
  • Light Red = 3-4
  • Yellow = 5-6
  • Light Green = 7-8
  • Dark Green = 9-10

eNPS ranks

Use the Comparison view to benchmark your score with other clients or within your industry. Officevibe categorizes scores based on the following thresholds:

-100 to -61 = Critical
-60 to -31 = Very Low
-30 to 0 = Low
1 to 10 = Good
11 to 30 = Very Good
31 to 60 = Great
61 to 100 = Amazing
