Send Survey Reminders and View Inactive Users

What is an Inactive User? 

A Team Member who has not answered at least one Pulse Survey question in the last 30 days.

The participation rate is calculated on a 30-day time frame. If your account's surveys are set up monthly, and a Team Member misses even one survey, they will be marked as Inactive.

This will affect your participation rate.

An Inactive Member will continue to get prompted with Surveys, as they are included in your billing.

View inactive users as an Administrator

To protect anonymity, only administrators can see who is inactive.

  1. Go to Settings .
  2. Select Officevibe from the lefthand menu.
  3. Click Surveys.
  4. Under Pulse Survey reminders, click Inactive members. A modal appears and displays a list of all inactive members.

Send reminder emails to all users as an Administrator or Executive

As an administrator or executive, you can send a reminder email to all inactive members at once.

  1. Go to Settings .
  2. Select Officevibe from the lefthand menu.
  3. Click Surveys.
  4. Under Pulse Survey reminders, click Send Reminders. A modal will appear.
  5. Enter a custom reminder message or keep the default message, and then click Send reminder. An email will be sent to all the inactive members.

Note: To avoid sending too many reminders, a reminder will not be sent if one has already been sent in the past 14 days.

Send reminder emails to inactive users in a team or segment

As an executive or team manager, you can send a reminder email to inactive members in a specific team or segment via the Pulse Survey report page (but you will not be able to see who is inactive).

  1. Expand the Surveys option in the lefthand menu, then click Pulse Survey.
  2. Use the first dropdown menu to select a team or segment.
  3. Click Send survey reminder. A modal will appear.
  4. Enter a custom reminder message or keep the default message, and then click Send reminder. An email will be sent to all the inactive members in the selected team or segment.

Note: To avoid sending too many reminders, a reminder will not be sent if one has already been sent in the past 14 days.
